OCHAYA at Kasai Cerrado

  • OCHAYA at Kasai Club/Discoteca Stockholm
  • Interior at Ochaya nightclub in Kasai in Stockholm Sweden
  • Dancer hanging in ring in the ceiling at Ochaya nightclub at Kasai in Stockholm
Linnégatan 18, Stockholm
Edad mínima: 23
OCHYA is an exclusive dinner club located on the bottom floor below restaurant Kasai, at Linnegatan 16 in Stockholm.

The dinner club is known for delivering an unforgettable experience of music, dance, performances and amazing food.

The word Ochaya is Japanese and means and upmarket exclusive venue where guests can indulge in drinks, food, dancing, conversation. The restaurant is known as Kasai while Ochaya is the club within the restaurant. The club is only open on Fridays and Saturdays even if the restaurant only is open most days of the week.

Reservations are mandatory.
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