A so called “in-house” promoter is someone who is working directly for the club unlike a freelance promoter. The freelancers tend to do a different club each night of the week while the inhouse ones typically only work for one club or possibly a few within the same ownership.
Since the inhouse promoters work directly for the club they most often have a good relationship with the door staff and can arrange for smoother entry if you as a guest accept a guest list offer from them. They may also be able to get a more generous supply of free drinks for their promoter table. That said though there are plenty of top freelance promoters who have excellent relations with the clubs and can sort out hassle free entry and plenty of booze anyway.
In Clubbable club managers/owners and promoters who work directly for a club club can get awarded inhouse status for that club which then gives them the following perks:
Offers from inhouse promoter are marked as recommended in the list of offers the guests receive
They are authorised to edit the details of the club on our website which is also reflected in the app
They can upload posters for upcoming events
If you fit the criteria simply contact us and we sort it out for you. With our recommendation to the guests comes extra responsibility. If you as a in-house promoter fail to get the guests in we will remove the inhouse status privilege without warning unless the circumstances are understandable.
At some point inhouse users will also be able to post job ads on behalf of the club for any job openings at the club which our users can see and apply for in the app and on the website. In the meantime people who are keen to work in a nightclub is welcome to apply on the bar staff job post in our careers section on the website. Club managers who are recruiting are encouraged to get in touch and we will put you in touch with the candidates we have.
If you are a promoter but not yet have the the Clubbable app or promoter access simply download the app and press "Apply for promoter access" in the menu in the app and we will review your application. It is completely free to get the app and get promoter access. You can read more about how it works for promoters.
In the photo you see Syed who is one of the top promoters in London and he is highly recommended. Even though he operates at several clubs he is considered inhouse at Reign Showclub in London.